  • How to manage trailcams in HAMS
    Simple and easy trail camera management
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  • Electronic auction of Tourist Hunting Blocks in Tanzania
    If you are interested, read our article on the details
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  • The consequences of overshooting and undershooting game populations
    Take an indepth look at the effects of over and under shooting game populations.
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  • A Shooter’s and Hunter’s Guide to Instagram
    Hints and tips for running a successful hunting and shooting Instagram page
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What happens if we stop managing wildlife, and ban hunting?

What happens if we stop managing wildlife, and ban hunting?

Hunting has always been a way of life, it has dominated the course of human evolution for millions of years and is still a way of life for many millions of people closely connected to nature and the animal world.

It is also common knowledge that our ancestors were hunter-gatherers who used tools to obtain food, however, what is less commonly known is that the laws to manage animal populations were only established much, much later when modern humans noticed that certain species had started to decline, and in some cases, disappear.

So, in light of this knowledge, what would be the consequences if we stopped hunting?

What would happen to the wildlife populations and the land they live on if, as many that are opposed to hunting, we stopped intervening?

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The fundamental role of habitat management in wildlife conservation

The fundamental role of habitat management in wildlife conservation

We often talk about how to manage wildlife populations, and we’ve even discussed these topics in some length here on HAMS Blog. However, we quite often fail to fully discuss one of the most important topics: what are the requirements for having a specific type of game on our land, what are the features of the habitat they require and what should we do to get the most out of our land?

So, in this article, we are going to take a look at what habitat actually is and how important good habitat management is when managing our game populations.

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Where now for shooting in the UK?

Where now for shooting in the UK?

A look at how the British shooting and hunting community has reacted to the recent licensing issues. 

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L'équipe de HAMS
  • HAMS.online est construit et maintenu par Bit and Pixel Kft qui a plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans la conception et le développement de systèmes de haute sécurité sur mesure et plus de vingt ans d'expérience dans la chasse et la gestion de gibiers.
  • Numéro de téléphone: +36 30 950 33 82
  • E-mail: [email protected]
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  • Numéro de téléphone: 0-24: +36 70 362 4785
  • rackforest.com
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  • - et si vous êtes intéressé par la représentation de HAMS dans votre pays ou au niveau régional, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par e-mail.

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